One of the main goals of NPA is to advocate for the health and wellness of Alaska Native people. The restoration of our wellness and health starts with the restoration of our right to hunt, fish and end the criminalization of our ways of life. NPA supports the continuation and growth of the journey toward improved health, wellness and access to effective and efficient healthcare.
Native Wellness Hour
NPA Community Fund’s bi-weekly Native Wellness Hour webinar series are hosted every other Thursday, from 12-1PM on zoom. We created these spaces at the onset of COVID19. These events are to be hosted until further notice as we navigate times of uncertainty in gathering together through the COVID19 pandemic.

Indigenous Womxn’s Gatherings
NPA cohosts virtual monthly Indigenous Womxn’s Gatherings! The health of our community is very important to us. We are getting creative in ways to stay connected while we practice physical distancing. The location of the Indigenous Womxn’s Gatherings will be ONLINE until further notice. Bring your sewing or beading project and build community together with other Indigenous Womxn. Children are welcome. We look forward to seeing you there.
COVID19 Resources in Alaska Native Languages
Native Peoples Action Community Fund and AKPIRG teamed up to amplify the messages of our Alaska Native people in our own languages regarding COVID-19. These messages come directly from Elders and community members. Quyana to the language experts with the AKPIRG language panels for drafting and translating these important messages! We have to keep diligent in protecting one another and together we will get through this.

Native Wellness Hour
NPA Community Fund’s weekly Native Wellness Hour webinar series are hosted every Thursday, from 12-1PM on zoom. We created these spaces at the onset of COVID19. These events are to be hosted until further notice as we navigate times of uncertainty in gathering together through the COVID19 pandemic.
Indigenous Womxn’s Gatherings
NPA cohosts virtual monthly Indigenous Womxn’s Gatherings! The health of our community is very important to us. We are getting creative in ways to stay connected while we practice physical distancing. The location of the Indigenous Womxn’s Gatherings will be ONLINE until further notice. Bring your sewing or beading project and build community together with other Indigenous Womxn. Children are welcome. We look forward to seeing you there.
COVID19 Resources in Alaska Native Languages
Native Peoples Action Community Fund and AKPIRG teamed up to amplify the messages of our Alaska Native people in our own languages regarding COVID-19. These messages come directly from Elders and community members. Quyana to the language experts with the AKPIRG language panels for drafting and translating these important messages! We have to keep diligent in protecting one another and together we will get through this.
Native Humor Night
Humor is an essential part of our wellness, healing, and creating connections with one another. Humor decreases stress, inspires hope, keeps you grounded and focused, boosts your immune system, removes tension and anxiety. It is a beautiful way for us to connect with one another and create bonds. NPA has organized and co-hosted this annual Native Humor Night with Native Movement and Southcentral Foundation for three years now, which has showcased Indigenous comedians, Alaska talent, and prize opportunities that share our culture and art. The response to this annual event has been phenomenal. It was a great opportunity to connect one of our Indigenous values of humor to the importance of voting and encouraging loved ones to take action. We received overwhelming positive feedback from this event and have been asked to do these more often, especially during the COVID19 pandemic.
– Native Humor Night 2020
– Native Humor Night 2021

NPA Advocating for Wellness
- NPA letter to Alaska Legislature advocating for SB 121: PFAS Use & Remediation; Fire/Water Safety
- NPA letter to Army Corps of Engineers advocating for the health & wellness of the people of Bristol Bay in relation to the Pebble Mine.
- NPA letter to Sen. Murkowski drawing attenton to critical provisions for clean water. We urged Sen. Murkowski to take strong action to address the growing public health threat posed by PFAS pollution in Alaska and throughout the nation.
- NPA support letter to Congressional Delegation for COVID19 Stimulus
- NPA support letter for House Bill 115: absentee voting in light of COVID-19 pandemic and beyond.