Use Your Voice
Your voice is important! One way that we advocate for our communities and ways of life is through policy change in the Alaska legislature.
The legislative process can be confusing, but knowledge is power and it’s important that we know how to make our voices heard while navigating systems of governance. Check out some of the following resources to elevate your voice in the legislature, how to meet with your legislator, and how to testify. #WarriorUp
Find Out Who Represents You In The Alaska Legislature
You can visit the akleg website and type in your address at the bottom to find out who represents you, from there you can click on their profile to find out more about them and how to contact their office. You can also find your senator and representative’s official state page on facebook and follow them for updates. You can also go to their caucus website to find out more about them and sign up for their newsletters and press releases
Senate Majority:
Senate Minority:
House Majority:
House Minority:
Sign up for notifications on bills
Do you have a special interest in a piece of legislation? You can sign up for SMS Bill Tracking! Text a bill number (ex: HB123) to 559-245-2529 to enroll in text alerts. You will receive an enrollment confirmation and instructions on how to stop receiving the alerts.