BOF Proposals Deadline (Finfish)
April 10
The Alaska Board of Fisheries (board) is accepting proposed changes to the subsistence, personal use, sport, guided sport, and commercial fishing regulations for the Bristol Bay; Arctic, Yukon, Kuskokwim; Alaska Peninsula, Aleutian Islands, Chignik; and Statewide finfish management areas. Finfish includes salmon, herring, trout, other freshwater finfishes, and groundfish, including Pacific cod, for consideration by the board in its 2025–2026 meeting cycle. The board may also consider subsistence proposals for other topics (including other areas) under the subsistence proposal policy, 5 AAC 96.615, if proposals are submitted within this deadline and the board determines they meet the criteria in either 5 AAC 96.615(a)(1) or (2).
To ensure the proposal book is finished in advance of the board meetings, the board sets Thursday, April 10, 2025, as the proposal deadline.
Proposals must be received by Thursday, April 10, 2025 at the Boards Support Section office in Juneau. A postmark is NOT sufficient for timely receipt.
Interested parties are encouraged to submit proposals at the earliest possible date. The Board of Fisheries proposal form, including the on-line proposal form, is available at the Boards Support website,
The completed proposal form must contain a contact telephone number and address. Email addresses are appreciated. Please print or type the individual’s or organization’s name as appropriate.
All proposals are reviewed prior to publication. Language that is emotionally charged detracts from the substance of the proposal and may draw opposition not germane to the element(s) of the proposal. Such language may be edited or deleted prior to publication. Proposals that do not meet this call will not be accepted. Proposals must pertain to the region, species, and uses in this call. Proposals that do not request a regulatory change or are outside the authority of the board will not be accepted. If duplicative proposals are received by the same individual or group only one will be included in the proposal book.
Proposals published in the proposal book will be referenced with the appropriate Alaska Administrative Code citation and include a brief description of the action requested.
Proposal books are sent to advisory committees and the public for review and comment. Proposals are online at
Responsive proposals received by the proposal deadline will be considered during the board’s 2025/2026 meeting schedule.
For more information, please contact the Art Nelson, Executive Director for the Board of Fisheries at or (907) 267-2292.